Max&Co Flagship Store Visuals FW23

We designed the videoscenography for the windows of Max&Co's flagship stores worldwide, responding to the client’s request to create visual environments that tell stories and atmospheres aligned with the collections, while always keeping the focus on the garments.


For the FW23 collection, we worked on the themes “Party” and “White Sparkle,” building a visual narrative that fits the holiday season but carries an elegant sense of celebration. The story follows a snowflake moving through the city to a starry sky.


We chose an illustrative style with distinctive brushstrokes, alternating between solid colors and textures inspired by the fabrics and hues of the collections. After designing the setup for the flagship store in Milan, we adapted it for Max&Co’s key stores worldwide, maintaining a consistent visual identity that highlighted the brand’s essence and the collection’s features.


Creative Supervisor: Selene Sanua
Visual Art Director: Claudia Bagnoli
Lead Motion Design: Saul Garofalo
Motion Design: Lucrezia Berardi, Ernesto Zanotti

Illustrator: Alberto Fiocco

Project Manager: Walter Ferrari
Producer: Lorenza Esposito

Video Social: Massimo Scarabaggio


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